Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Tape day!

According to Associated Content, today is Tape Day, "a super occasion for scrapbooking, book mending and completing additional paper-related repairs"! 
As for why today is Tape Day, says:
"Richard Drew (who also invented Masking Tape), created a clear adhesive tape, known as cellophane tape, which he patented on May 27, 1930. Drew was an engineer with the 3M Company. " 
~~Unrelated piece of info;  According to Discovery Channel:
"More than 50 years ago, Russian scientists reported evidence of X-rays from peeling sticky tape off glass. Now new research validates that claim and demonstrates that you can get a lot of X-rays by putting the tape in a vacuum."

Tomorrow, 28th May, is "Hug your cat day"! So, cat owners: Prepare to celebrate this day tomorrow! Make sure to give your kitty a hug tomorrow :3


  1. I never heard that peeling tape off glass would cause X-rays to be emitted. I am curious how that happens? I understand that atoms emit a photon when an electron moves from a high energy orbit to a lower energy orbit. But, an atom has to be really excited to emit an X-ray. The tape must form strong molecular bonds with the glass, such that breaking those bonds by pealing really stirs up the atoms. Just my hypothesis. ;)

    What a cute kitten! :D

  2. Yeah, it is something like that!:D I read that when you peel the sticky tape of the glass (or the tape roll itself) some electrons jump from the glass/the roll to the sticky side of the tape that's being pulled away, and when they hit it they slow down and cause X-rays to be emitted. But that only happens in a vacuum, because in the presence of air, the air molecules intercept the X-rays! :D
